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For Parents and Carers

Medical Advice

If your child is away from school for any reason, please telephone the school as soon as possible. Any absence not explained is recorded as ‘unauthorised’.

Registers are completed as soon as the children come into school and any child not present when the register is returned to the school office will be marked absent.

If children arrive late they need to go to the school office to let the office staff know they have arrived. Their absent mark will then be changed to a late mark.

We have a number of staff qualified to undertake first aid.  If your child has been treated by a first aider for any cut, graze, bump or bruise, you will receive an accident slip detailing the incident and any treatment given.

If your child has bumped their head parents will receive a telephone call from the school office.

Where a child requires emergency treatment, this will be sought by the school staff ‘in loco parentis’ and parents will be contacted.

Management of Headlice

Head lice are extremely common in close-knit environments such as schools.
Please see below to access information on the management of head lice.

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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