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For Parents and Carers


Miss Tymon is our SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator). SEND provision at Friarage School follows a personal approach, which focuses on individual goals, and supports all children receive the same high-quality education.  If you would like to discuss your child’s needs, please ask to speak to them.

To contact Miss Tymon, please use the following details.

01723 374244


Our information report is written for parents and details how we identify, support and monitor the education of children with SEND. Our SEND policy is also linked below. If you require either of these documents as hard copies, translated or enlarged, please request this at the school office.

SEND Policy & Information Report

How we identify SEND at Friarage CP School.

At Friarage, we work alongside children and families in order to identify special educational needs and/or disabilities at the earliest opportunity. When identifying SEND, we consider the legal definition of SEND from the SEND Code of Practice 2014, which states that a child has a learning difficulty or disability if they:

  • Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others the same age; or
  • Have a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools.

Staff use our ‘How do we identify SEND?’ flow chart to identify SEND in school.

How do we identify SEND

What our SEND provision looks like at Friarage CP School.

 At Friarage, we provide high-quality education to all children. The support your child receives will be suited to their individual needs to ensure they make progress in line with their peers. This may be through classroom adaptations or interventions. Your child will have an Individual Provision Map (IPM) which will outline their targets and provision. They are reviewed, alongside parents and the child, at least termly.

Our school uses adaptive teaching to support all pupils in school. Our ‘Whole School Provision Map’ provides an ‘at a glance’ snapshot of the provision routinely offered across the school.

Whole School Provision Map

The Local Offer for SEND.

As a part of the Children and Families Act 2014 all local authorities have to publish a ‘local offer’ for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families.

North Yorkshire’s offer can be found here:

The Route for EHCPs/How do EHCPs work.

If your child requires support above what it routinely offered, as part of our SEND offer, we may seek to apply for an EHC needs assessment from the Local Authority. Parents can also apply for an EHC needs assessment individually. The Local Authority will decide if SEND support in school meets your child’s needs, or if they need an EHC plan.

It is important that we work together in order to provide evidence to the local authority that your child is not making expected progress with SEND support in school. You will receive a response within 6 weeks and you have the option to appeal any decision made.

If the EHCP request is accepted, advice will be gathered from parents, school, the child and any other professionals working with them. A draft plan will be issued and you will have the option to agree the plan or request amendments.

The school supports several children with EHCP plans in school. The school will deliver the provision detailed in the plan and monitor their progress against their outcomes.

Independent Advice.

If you require any additional advice, information or support, which is independent from the school, SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Service) can provide free and impartial support.

SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Service) – 

Useful Acronyms!

Useful acronyms you may come across with SEND Documents:

ADD Attention Deficit Disorder MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ODD Oppositional Defiant Disorder
AS Asperger Syndrome OT Occupational Therapist
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder PDA Pathological Demand Avoidance
AT Assistant Teacher PEP Personal Education Plan (for Looked After Children)
CAMHS Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services MARAG Multi agency referral action group
CI Communication and Interaction MPAT Multi Professional Assessment Team
CIN Child in Need PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
CL Cognition and Learning RAD Reactive Attachment Disorder
CoP Code of Practice 2015 RSA Request for Statutory Assessment
CP Child Protection SALT Speech and Language Therapy
CYP Children and Young People SEMH Social, Emotional and Mental Health
EAL English as an Additional Language SEND Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
EHCP Education Health Care Plan SENDCo Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-coordinator
EP Educational Psychologist SLCN Speech, Language and Communication Need
EMS Enhanced Mainstream School SLD Severe Learning Difficulty
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage SLT Senior Leadership Team
GLD Global Learning Delay SM Selective Mutism
HI Hearing Impaired SpLD Specific Learning Difficulty
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant SPDs Sensory Processing Disorders
IPM Individual Provision Map TA Teaching Assistant
LAC Looked After Children VI Visually Impaired
LO Local Offer    


Further information:

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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